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Advermat ist das neue AdServing-System

Advermat ist das neue AdServing-System, ein professioneller Adserver mit allen wichtigen Funktionen. Er ist stabil, flexibel und ermöglicht sehr effizientes AdManagement.


Hervorragendes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis Ganzheitliches System für Display und Affiliate Advertising.
Umfangreiches, frei konfigurierbares Repertoire an Möglichkeiten Umfassende , personalisierbare Live-Statistiken.
Reduzierung manueller Prozesse im AdManagment. Zahlreiche Optimierungsmaßnahmen erhöhen den Kampagnenerfolg.
Leicht verständliche Benutzeroberfläche Schnelle Einarbeitung, keine unnötigen Schulungen.

Advermat is an online pay per click ad-market.

Publicise your ads to a large community using Advermat advertiser account.

Advertise using text and banner ads targeted to niche audience with full control on click rates and budget.

Presenting a cost effective advertising system wherein you need to pay only for legitimate clicks on your ads.

Advermat publisher account for webmasters.

Monetize your website or blogs using Advermat publisher account.

Create stylish and modern ad display units matching your website or blog design.

Display ads related to contents of your website or blog and earn from legitimate clicks send from your site.


  • Find out how you can reach your target audience using Advermat advertiser account.
  • PPC Text/Banner Ads served on our network sites and partner websites.
  • Keyword Targeting for your PPC advertisements to reach specific audience.
  • Optimal keyword click bids suggested by system for better serving of your ads.
  • Our powerful and cost effective advertising system allows you to advertise to a large community and gain potential visitors to your site.


  • Learn how to boost your income from your web pages using Advermat publisher account.
  • Show text/banner ads which are most relevant to your site content.
  • Earn revenue from the clicks you receive on our ads displayed in your pages.
  • Filter out advertisements of your competitors from your ad display units.
  • You can show ads in your content pages as well as search engines. You can use our ad display units along with other ad programs.


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